This is the page that lists the Northeast Division 2013 Odds. These are the Vegas odds on who will win the NHL Northeast Division in 2013. I’ve listed the teams, the vegas odds and then some brief analysis of how Vegas thinks the Northeast Division will end up.
With Vegas Sportsbooks all having different odds, I have taken the odds from Bodog who are the closest book online to Vegas, and who offer the best representation of the Northeast Division Betting Odds.
Here are the Northeast Division Odds to start the NHL 2013 Season:
NHL Northeast Division Winners Vegas Odds:
Here were the Vegas odds to begin the 2013 season for the Northeast Division Winners:
- Boston Bruins: -140
- Buffalo Sabres: +425
- Ottawa Senators: +600
- Toronto Maple Leafs: +750
- Montreal Canadiens: +750
Now – those were the betting odds to win the Northeast Division prior to the NHL 2013 season. However what about LIVE and CURRENT odds? As the games play out, the odds are changing. So I am now providing you with updated Northeast Division odds to represent the games that have already been played.
NHL Northeast Division Current Betting Odds:
- Boston Bruins: -165
- Buffalo Sabres: +455
- Ottawa Senators: +750
- Toronto Maple Leafs: +1000
- Montreal Canadiens: +1000
All of the above betting lines are taken from 5Dimes.com which is currently one of the only online sportsbooks where you can bet the winner of the NHL Northeast Division.
The NHL Northeast Division Betting odds are updated at least every Sunday, and often twice a week.
NHL Northeast Division Winners Betting Tips:
So no surprise, the Boston Bruins are the favourites to win the Northeast Division. But are they a good bet to make? Out of all the division favourites, I would think the Boston Bruins are the worst bet mainly due to the odds. Most other favourites are about even odds or bettter; the Penguins are +125 to win the Atlantic, and Canucks started up at evens to win the Northwest division for example.
The reason they are not a good bet is due to variance. This is a short season. If the NHL 2011/2012 regular season had ended a few months in, the Leafs would have won the Northeast Division! If you’re betting favourites, you want to bet a team that is going to hit the board running and be consistent throughout the short regular season.
I’m also not convinced by the Buffalo Sabres either. The odds are okay – but for this season which will be high in variance, I would be looking at alternate betting options for who is going to win the Northeast Division.
With all the drama revolving around PK, I think the Habs are going to struggle and they are out. The two teams I would be looking at is the Ottawa Senators and the Toronto Maple Leafs.
The Senators are usually a strong consistent team, and they have the ability to just go about their business and grind out wins. The Leafs camp meanwhile, is full of confidence. They’re convinced that the short season is going to be a blessing in disguise for them, and that they can hit the ground running – or in this case, hit the ice skating.
Therefore I think the odds on the Toronto Maple Leafs are a great long shot bet. I would stay away from the Bruins here and if I was to bet the winners of the Northeast Division, it would be the Toronto Maple Leafs. Are they going to win it? I’d say they are going to win the division enough times during this high variance season, that they are at least a solid bet with positive expected value.
Throughout the NHL season, the best sportsbook to bet on the NHL Northeast Division Winners is BetOnline. as many other books don’t even offer odds once the season begins.