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Well the NHL season is done and dusted, and what a season it was.
From a betting perspective, it was yet another successful season for us – although it was getting a bit dicey. We admittedly struggled with two negative months in December 2014 and January 2015, before barely scraping a profit in February.
However things came together in March and April – as the end of the season played out mostly how we predicted and we went 56-35 for 28.49 units.
In total, for the regular season, our record was 213-207 for 32.49 units profit.
For the playoffs themselves, we both provided separate picks. Here were the results of all of that:
Round 1:
In predicting who would win each playoff bracket, Scott went 7-1 while Graeme went 6-2. The unified picks were 5-1 and if you bet all of them, it was +4.94 profit.
After the Game 1s were over, we forced ourselves to pick every single game after that. That can make things difficult and variance can be high. Scott went 19-15 for +1.67 units, while Graeme went 18-12 for +7.87 units. Our unified picks had a great record of 11-3 for +7.47 units profit.
Round 2:
The Lightning cost us here, as in unified picks we went 2-1, correctly predicting the Hawks and Ducks, but missing out on the Lightning – both of us picked Montreal. Scott got the Capitals vs Rangers series correct. So a 2-1 record for the unified picks, for a whopping profit of 0.23 units.
Game by game picks we struggled but scraped profit with less than a unit each. However our unified picks were a surprise failure – 3-4 record, for -1.26 units.
Conference Finals:
We both correctly predicted that the Chicago Blackhawks would win the West, however we thought they would be meeting the New York Rangers and were wrong on that one.
Scott killed it with the individual game picks this time around. He went 9-3 for a +5.70 units. Graeme went 6-4 for +2.35 units, and the unified picks went 3-0 for +3.20 units.
Stanley Cup Finals:
Not only did we correctly predict the Stanley Cup Winner – we also correctly predicted in just how many games it would end in, with both of us picking Blackhawks in 6.
We had a solid record throughout the finals. Scott went 4-1 for +2.51 units, Graeme went 3-2 for 2.65 units, and the unified picks went 3-0 for +2.79 units.
So overall – yet another excellent season for us. If we add the unified picks to our record for the season, we went 242-217 for 49.66 units profit.
We hope you enjoyed following us this season.
Next Season:
We will CONTINUE to give daily free NHL betting tips for the 2015/2016 NHL season.
We could go ahead and charge – but we’re not going to. We enjoy giving the free picks out and it makes us bet better and bet smarter.
We will also be here win or lose. Hell you saw that during the Winter months – we had some nasty losing runs, but we stuck around.
We both want to thank everyone who has followed us throughout the season. The more people that read us, the more people that comment, the more people that e-mail us and that share our content – you make us better. The more people reading us means the more careful we are with our tips, and the more debate and discussion we have. With tens of thousands of people following our picks each day – we’ll continue to do our damndest to have a winning 2015/2016 season.
Thanks guys.