I thought it would be fun to reminisce a bit during the Summer, about the hockey season that was or events that occured during the season.
I thought of this while laying on my chair out back absolutely dying in the heat and humidity, and briefly wishing it was Winter again. Don’t get me wrong I love the heat that has finally hit Ontario – but sometimes that humidity does get a bit much.
I am a big reader of reddit, and I thought that would be the best way to construct this article. I’d go through the subreddit r/hockey, and then sort it by top posts by the past year, and pick a few highlights.
I’ll probably do a couple more of these articles throughout the summer. These are in no particular order.
#1: THAT Tarasenko Goal
When I think back to the season that was, one thing that will always stand out for me is Vladamir Tarasenko, and his constant highlight reel goals. It’s one thing to pull off ONE of the type of plays Tarasenko did throughout the season – but to do it time and time again as he did – that sort of thing is always a treat. It’s only sad they got knocked out so early, and he couldn’t do it on the bigger stage.
Nothing will ever top THAT goal against the Rangers though.
#2: The Stars Scoreboard:
Time and time again, the Dallas Stars jumbotron was the highlight of the night. It’s always cool to see teams have fun with each other – be it on Twitter, or just utilizing the scoreboard. That’s what the Stars did many times throughout the season, and one of the best was their list of all time greatest Rangers:
#3: THAT Mrazek Save
It’s not just the forwards that will have incredible highlight reel moments – the goalies will often be the star of the night. And with the goalie situation in Detroit – it made it just all that sweeter when Mrazek stepped up time and time again for the Wings in their playoff series with the Tampa Bay Lightning. Nothing was sweeter than this save.
#4: In Tribute
Ottawa was rocked by the shooting incident on Parliament Hill during the NHL season. A horrific event, but there was this beautiful image from the Senators vs Devils game following it where the teams stood around in a minute silence.
Very powerful image. Bigger version here.
#5: Mark Stones Biggest Enemy
The best thing about the times we live in is that technology is so huge and cameras are everywhere when it comes to sports. They capture pretty much everything.
Including certain players drinking out of the wrong side of their water bottle.
Everything about that is so great. The little eyebrow raise as he realizes that yep – he’s a tool. However I think the best thing was the fact that the NHL mobile app actually sent out a freaking notification about this. They decided that this was such a momentus occasion that they needed everyone to see it.
Well I hope you enjoyed this brief lookback at the season that was, and some of the moments. I hope Mark Stone isn’t reading because he is probably reminded of this every day of his life. I’ll be back next week with more moments.