Hi guys,
With the NHL season starting up in just a few days, we’ve got some exciting news for you. Well – for the Canadians reading anyway. We’re working on some other deals for everyone else.
We’ve hooked up with our friends over at Sports Interaction, the #1 online sportsbook for Canadians, with an exclusive guaranteed $20 bet.
What IS a guaranteed bet? It’s very simple: you place a $20 bet on any NHL regular season game. You win? Great, congrats.
You lose? Then you get the $20 you bet back!
It’s that simple – and if you lose the bet then there is no rollover or any crap like that – the $20 is back in your account as if you never lost.
This is a really sweet deal that all Canadians need to take advantage of. You must use this exact link to get the $20 bet.
When you see that link, you will see the text “$20 NHL MONEY BACK SPECIAL” in the centre, and most importantly you’ll see our mascots at the top right. Then you’ll know you are on the right page.
All the details are on there – so head on over now.
(PS: Please note this is for regular season games, NOT pre-season games, is only for NEW signups for Canada, you get the deposit bonus AS WELL, and you’re going to be betting a moneyline bet).