Here at BetNHL.ca, we love our video games. We’re always playing against each other – be it Madden, NBA 2K or of course NHL games. Sometimes we fire up NHL 14 on the 360, other times we break out the Genesis for some NHL 94 action.
We also love to simulate games. Often after a night of hockey and beers, we’ll put on NHL 14, pick a team each then let the AI battle it out while we’re placing bets on it. We did this a couple of weeks ago, simulating the entire Olympics on NHL 14.
Then we thought “Wouldn’t it be cool if we could do that on NHL 94?”.
So we did.
We have added in all of the international teams onto NHL 94, added all of their rosters with accurate attributes, added in their strips and are going to simulate the WHOLE tournament prior to the Olympic Hockey kicking off on Wednesday, February 12th.
Why yes – we don’t have a life. Why do you ask?
We will be simulating the whole tournament, and posting the results on Tuesday, February 11th 2014! Check back then. To be notified when posted either:
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A few screenshots to wet your appetite – screenshots are from our tests only and are not spoilers for the actual simulation:
Technical Notes:
Many thanks to the website NHL94.com whose comprehensive guides and detailed information on their forums allowed us to do this.
Also a quick note that some of the graphics(such as team banners) are a pain in the arse to edit, so we also used the power of Adobe Photoshop to put in team logos and player pictures on any screenshots.
Finally, thanks to Alexander Keiths beer, of which many we consumed while simulating games over and over again to get it as accurate as possible.
Oh and it should be noted that this is purely for entertainment purposes and most likely not an accurate simulation of the Olympics. A lthough being the degenerates that we are, we’re totally heading over to Bovada and betting each one with the “correct score” bet. For the perfect balance, some games are simulated in 10 minutes “NHL 94 Time”, other games in 20 minutes.